CPPE Kombisorbon® Technology
Independence, Missouri, USA

In 2017, after receiving an order from Babcock & Wilcox, CPPE designed and supplied a Mercury Removal System (MRS) which became part of the upgrade of the existing sewage sludge incineration plant at the Little Blue Valley Sewer District in Independence, MO. The installations of the Little Blue Valley Sewer District needed to meet the requirements of USEPA 40CFR Part 60 emission limits, Subpart LLLL for mercury, dioxins/furans and nitrogen oxides. The KOMBISORBON® installation that was put in place ensures mercury removal efficiency of 99.7+% attaining maximum achievable control technology (MACT). It has been recognized as MACT for sewage sludge incinerator gases for mercury removal to < 0.0010 mg/dcsm and dioxin/furan removal to < 0.0044 ng/dscm TEQ.
The project will be completed in 2019.